BENTO, R. S.;; BENTO, Renally Soares.
Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic non-communicable disease of great importance in epidemiological, social and economic aspects. It is a disease caused by insufficient production and malabsorption of insulin, a hormone that regulates blood glucose and provides energy for the body. Studies indicate that it is considered an important public health problem due to the rapid increase in prevalence and difficulty in controlling it, and also that type 2 has a high rate in the elderly. The work aims to identify, through the main educational actions carried out in everyday life for the prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the elderly under nursing guidance, collect information with data available in literature and investigate prior knowledge and difficulties encountered in carrying out prevention. This is an integrative review that used the databases: Virtual Health Library (VHL), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) and CAPES periodical portal, using the descriptors: Diabetes Mellitus, Health Education and Elderly. The eligibility criteria were articles published between 2018 and 2023 in the Portuguese language. In the articles evaluated, it was observed that the education process about Diabetes Mellitus must be started before the disease is diagnosed. Therefore, health professionals, especially nurses, must interact directly with the elderly and their families, creating strategies for prevention, such as providing guidance on the importance of physical activity and glycemic control through educational practices.