LINS, U. A. U. L. B.; LINS, Úrsula Andréa Uchôa Lira Bezerra.
This monograph deals with the transformations of clothes in Brazil in years 50. The fashion
with its forms of expression translates the behavior all human, making to disclose the
classrooms social, what chie or inadequate for the Standard of a time is considered. Then,
before being superfluous, fashion modem art is considered. Until the beginning of century
XX, the way of if dressing could remain unchanged for much time. Throughout history, the
indumentária served to identify social classes, professions, age or sex of the people, and its
study it can serve as source of information on customs and habits of a people. Ahead of this
context, the interest appears to develop a monographic study with this thematic one,
objectifying to analyze the transformations of clothes in Brazil in years 50. To materialize this
study, a revision in specialized literature was become fullfilled that approaches the subject