FREITAS, R. S.;; FREITAS, Rebeka Sabryna.
The purpose of the research was to analyze the mathematical praxeologies surrounding the teaching of Financial Mathematics in a Countryside School. Having as a guiding question: do mathematical praxeologies for teaching Financial Mathematics at Countryside schools take into account the context of the Semiarid region? For this study, we limited ourselves to documentar research on these praxeologies, therefore, our focus was on the official documents that guide the teacher’s work. Therefore, our field of study was a Countryside School located in the municipality of Monteiro – PB. For our analysis, due to the limitations of the article, we focused on the analysis of the Amortization theme. Finally, based on our research, the work analyzed treats Financial Mathematics as an important topic, however, it offers a limited mathematical context for the work with the Escola do Campo, as well as the lack of contextualization with the Semiarid. However, it is pertinent to mention that the role played by the teacher in this process is incisive.