SILVA, A. A.;; SILVA, Alex de Albuquerque.
The space-time seems to have four dimensions according to our common sense. However
there are reasons, from the viewpoint of theoretical physics, to believe in the existence of
extra dimensions. But if there are extra dimensions, theories must be able to explain how
they are hidden from our observation. In this work, we consider some models of higher
dimensional theories, trying to establish the main di erence concerning the mechanism
used by them in order to hide the extra dimensions. We start with Kaluza-Klein theories
which postulate the existence of compact extra dimensions, whose length is of the order
of the Planck scale. Then, we study a brane world model, known as ADD model, in which
extra dimensions are still compact, but whose scale can be much greater than the Planck
length. Finally, in the scenario of warped extra dimensions, we consider the model of only
one compact warped dimensions (RSI) and the RSII model, in which the extra dimension
has an in nite scale.