LEMOS, Flávia Cristina Silveira.; GALINDO, Dolores Cristina Gomes.; REIS JÚNIOR, Leandro Passarinho.; MOREIRA, Marcelo Moraes.; BORGES, Amanda Gabriella.
This article aims to address some contributions of documentary research in a sphere
where several fields and pieces of knowledge dialogue. A methodological exchange is placed as
presupposition in the description and analysis of documents, in the formation of archives made up of
events that have left remnants and marks, traces in time and space. A document is not a proof but a
clue that something has occurred; however, it cannot be restored in a historical totality, only be put into
narrative with gaps through the treatment of documentary sources by researchers. The dialogues
between the pieces of knowledge of Psychology and History are relevant in historical -documentary
analysis. This article points at clues for the access to and handling of archives, as well as at challenges,
difficulties and relevance of studies that use historical sources which are dated and spatially situated.
Documentary research aids in the problematization of social practices, in their denaturalization and in
the break with crystallizations.