LOPES, V. M. F.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3412495192814320; LOPES, Vivian Maria Firmino.
In the contemporary educational context, the need to incorporate experimental practices in
chemistry teaching is increasingly evident, as they play a crucial role in the construction of
scientific knowledge. This work proposes an investigation into the functioning of the Triunfo
mill, in the city of Areia, Paraíba, as a teaching tool for teaching chemistry. In addition to
addressing historical, geographic, social, cultural and economic issues, the aim is to build
knowledge by stimulating curiosity, creativity and substantial understanding related to the
daily lives of students in basic education. The objective is to awaken students' interest in the
chemistry subject, showing its practical relevance and contributing to meaningful and
contextualized learning. The methodology used was divided through an SDI (Investigative
Didactic Sequence), the six distinct moments, such as: mode 1: introduction to the topic,
mode 2: initial exploration of production processes, mode 3: presentation of production stages
and geographic knowledge , mode 4: practical video experience, mode 5: debate and
deepening of themes and mode 6: evaluation synthesis. By integrating theory and practice, the
Triunfo ingenuity emerges as a valuable resource to enrich chemistry teaching and stimulate
students' interest in this important discipline. Upon completion, this experience offers a solid
foundation for personal development and for making relevant contributions towards a more
ethical, equitable and sustainable society.