BEZERRA, M. V. A.;; Bezerra, Maria Vanicleide Almeida.
The present study seeks to determine whether there is an underreporting of cases of violence against women in the municipality of José da Penha RN, through access to public data available on the SINAN information and grievance notification system website during the years 2018 to 2023. The objective is to analyze cases of violence against women in SINAN in the city of Jose da Penha Rio Grande do Norte. It was discussed during the work about gender-based violence, policies to combat violence against women and Law 11,340, as well as the VIVA violence and accident surveillance system, and the SINAN information and grievance notification system. This research was carried out through documentary and bibliographical analysis on the subject in question and through online consultation of public data on the Data-sus website, checking existing notifications from the municipality studied. As a result, it was found that there is an underreporting of violence against women in the SINAN information and grievance notification system over the course of these 3 years. This work encourages deeper future research on the underreporting of cases of violence against women, especially in small cities in the interior, so that there can be more investments on the part of public policy managers to adopt measures to prevent and curb violence. violence against women.