LACERDA, Kalliety Saraiva.
The general objective of this work was to analyze dissertations and theses defended in
Brazilian postgraduate programs in the period from 2010 to 2021, which had as their
main focus the Training of Teachers who teach Mathematics in the Initial Years. To this
end, the study problem was developed: What has been discussed about the topic of
training teachers who teach mathematics in the Initial Years of Elementary School, in
theses and dissertations published in Brazil, in the period from 2010 to 2021? To
respond to the problem and achieve the objective, documentary research was carried
out, with a qualitative approach, which was developed through a horizontal and vertical
mapping of scientific productions, on the topic in question, for this, we used the Library
as databases. Digital Theses and Dissertations, in order to locate dissertations and
theses. Soon after we have the data, we choose the criteria to carry out the analyses,
such as: year of publication of the productions, authors, institution, theoretical
foundation, problems studied, methodologies and results. Twenty (20) productions were
analyzed, including 03 theses and 17 dissertations. It is noteworthy that the problems
studied mostly focus on the academic training of Pedagogy and its relationship with the
Teaching of Mathematics in the Early Years of Elementary School. The main results
show that Pedagogy courses have, for the most part, dedicated little time to the subject
in their curricula, and that this may be one of the reasons for the difficulties that
pedagogues present when teaching Mathematics in the initial years. The importance of
continued training for teaching practice was also identified, as it gives teachers the
opportunity to expand their knowledge. It is concluded that the training of the
pedagogue is very important in the mathematical teaching-learning process, and that this
training must be efficient, complete and for this it must be a priority in the Pedagogy
course curricula.