MACÊDO, G. B.; MACÊDO, Gilvan Braz de.
The sertanejo project as a policy created by the Brazilian government aiming at the economic development of the semi-arid northeast, has had small repercussions from the social point of view, since it is not benefiting the majority of the populations of that region. It encourages the creation of medium-sized rural entrepreneurs, enabling them to participate in the consumer market of food products, agricultural inputs and industrial machinery and equipment on the one hand, and the supply of raw materials and low-cost food, originated from agricultural production and destined to the agroindustries and to the more developed urban centers, on the other, giving to them a significant increase of the rate of profits and a reduction of the cost of reproduction of the work force, whereas the small landless producers and the minifundista receive no benefit. We are more concerned with the analysis of the nucleus of the sertanejo project in the municipality of Sumé, in the microregion of old cariris, in the state of Paraíba. In these reflections we infer that in general there are many contradictions between what the official documents that created the sertanejo project and that we verify in the practical execution, through the direct research done in the nucleus of Sumé-PB, there are many contradictions. In this research, we did a survey of the documentation related to the program at local and regional level. In addition, materials related to visits, direct surveys and semi-structured interviews were used with people living in the municipalities that constitute the nucleus and are affected by the project, and by technicians and executors of the aforementioned nucleus, in the municipality of Sumé-PB . In our opinion, this analysis of the sertanejo project, specifically in the Sumé-PB nucleus, confirmed the hypothesis formulated in the present dissertation, that this project aims to provide part of the field of capital investment and expansion of the market of products of industrial origin. The practice of the sertanejo project may be one of the reasons that has been causing a concentration in the land distribution, since, in the region of the old cariris, as well as in the municipalities involved in the Sumé nucleus, during the period from 1975 to 1980, they considerably reduced the number of establishments from 1975 to 1980.