ARAÚJO, A. A.;; ARAÚJO, Arnaldo de Albuquerque.
This paper addresses the problem of automatic discrimination
of cardiac tissues on ultrasound
textural, and image enhancement techniques can be
used to improve the results of such discrimination.
Initial results, obtained through the use of
of textural analysis together with the discriminant analysis
step by step, indicated a rate of up to 95% success in discrimination
of fabrics. The results of this study refer to
called the learning phase of an automatic classification system,
where it is sought to build a knowledge base
on the textural parameters that best lend themselves to discrimination.
With the objective of improving these results,
image enhancements, implemented by spatial filters, were
applied as pre-processing algorithms, before execution
of the textural analysis.
The filters to be used were selected using a
systematic study of techniques already reported in the literature and
a performance analysis involving those selected techniques.
In the performance evaluation of the algorithms are considered
noise removal capabilities with edge preservation and
impulsive noise, ramp type sharpening, preservation
of thin details and fine characteristics, as well as its computational efficiency. As a result of the study of spatial filters, a new filtering technique was developed for smoothing by elective neighborhoods. Compared to other algorithms
analyzed this technique proved to be an efficient solution to the problem of noise removal with edge preservation.
The application of spatial filters as preprocessing algorithms
in the task of discriminating between diseased and healthy tissues in cardiac ultrasonography, resulted in an increase
100% success rate in discrimination. The results of this
experiments are provided in the form of statistical parameters,
contingency tables and two-dimensional diagrams that
show the separation of classes.
In addition, we investigated the use of preprocessing techniques
in automatic image segmentation tasks,
aiming at the problem of determining the contours of
objects. Preprocessing of the images resulted in a reduction
number of parameters (edges and regions) detected and the number of