NUNES, J. S.; NUNES, Juliana Silva.
This ethnographic work sought to analyze the strategies that farmers of the Rural
Community of Chapada in the municipality of Imaculada - PB use, in the context of the
semi-arid region, to maintain the livelihood of the family and/or the community to which
they belong. The theoretical framework was based on authors such as Diegues and
Arruda (2001; Brandão and Leal, 2012); Moura (1988); Fernandes (2004); Wanderley
(2001; 1996); Suassuna (2017); Schneider (2003); Silva (2013); Cândido (2010),
Heredia (2013); Altafin (2007 apud Rambo et al., 2016), among others. The
methodology used was qualitative, based on ethnographic study, participant
observation, life history and semi-structured interviews about the organizational,
socioeconomic, productive and cultural aspects of the community. The results showed
that family farmers use strategies such as: the practice of pluriactivity as a way to
complement family income; participation in community associations; the strengthening
of bonds of cooperation and affection with neighbors based on coexistence and joint
efforts; the use of popular knowledge related to winter and plantations as a way to plan
for the coming year and a strategy to live with the place.