FERREIRA, C. R.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8191708223572348; FERREIRA, Cicera Rosimere.
The present research presentes as object f study the pedagogical practice of scientific initiation in basic education. I analyzed as empirical material my pedagogical experience, as a teacher of the subject Completion work of Elementary School TCEF and Portuguese Language carried out with 9th grade students, at the Dom Malan School, in the municipality of Salgueiro/PE. I presented as a general objective: to identify challenges and contributions of the practice of research in the school for the teaching of the Portuguese Language and as specific objectives: to problematize the possibility of carrying out scientific initiation in basic education, to carry out a survey of official documents in the scope of educational policies, which highlight the need for an academic-scientific formation starting from basic education; to describe and analyze the experience of scientific initiation lived with students of the 9th grade of basic education, at the Dom Malan Elementary School, in the municipality of Salgueiro/PE, in 2021. Countless factors awakened me to choose the theme addressed in this research. Among them: the difficulties encountered by teachers in proposing, executing and correcting research carried out by students, while students I tried to analyze the conflict situations experienced by them when they faced activities research. The methodological procedure of this research consists of participant observation of the discipline “Scientific Initiation and TCEF”, in the application of online questionnaires with professors, residents and students. They were carried out in virtual spaces, given the impossibility of face-to-face meetings between the researcher and the research subjects. Regarding the division of the research chapters, I presente the following division: in the second chapter I discuss the school as an educational space for teaching and research. Of this research. I also presente all the methodological procedures that I used to develop this research, supporting each item with a corresponding theoretical basis.