ABREU, E. A.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/3457394128303415; ABREU, Eliete Abrante de.
The main objective of this dissertation is to build a proposal for pedagogical intervention, with the aim of awakening students' interest and taste for literary reading based on fairy tales and, consequently, contributing to the advancement of the reading competence of students in the 6th year of elementary School. It is about proposing work with the aforementioned literary genre in the format of pedagogical workshops, in which definitions, characteristics, types, reading, interpretation and production of fairy tales are worked on. The research is of a bibliographic nature for the purpose of theoretical analyzes that support the proposal and of qualitative bias, in which the identified problem is analyzed, that is, the difficulty of literary reading in the transition from the initial phase of fundamental education to the next phase, as well as as of an applied nature by presenting, from a theoretical basis, proposals to face such questions and problems. The theoretical basis of the research is formed by studies such as those by Tzvetan Todorov (1982), Teresa Colomer (2013), Antônio Candido (2011), Rildo Cosson (2006) and short story theory, with authors such as Nádia Battella Gotlib (2000), Nelly Novaes Coelho (2000), Câmara Cascudo (2004), among others. With the support of the aforementioned researchers of teaching theory and story theory, we present a proposal for a pedagogical intervention for the transition series of elementary school (6th year), with a view to awakening greater interest in literature in students and contributing to the improvement of teaching-learning process.