SANTOS, J. P.;; SANTOS, José Peixoto dos.
The present work studies the determination of the pressure oscillations in the pipes of settlements due to the abrupt shutdown of a pump due to lack of energy, and total and instant closing of a valve located at the end of downstream of the conduit. These pressure oscillations cause great damage to the hydraulic systems of water supply networks of large cities, networks of irrigation projects, water mains, which justifies the great interest in the subject, provided by researchers in the past. The problem studied was graphically analyzed using the graphical method of SCHNYDER and BERGERON, and analytically using the differential equation solution theory by the method of the characteristics. The phenomenon of Ariete Strike in the repression pipe was simulated by the demonstrator instrument (WATER HAMMER APPARATUS) equipped with an electronic pressure sensor which allows to visualize and measure oscillations of pressure oscilloscope. In the case of total and instant closing of the valve at the end of the downstream, the theoretical results were confirmed by the tests in the first phase of the wave. positive. For the pressure oscillations in the settling duct, where a more complex problem arises because of the effect of cavitation occurring at pressures below the vapor pressure of the liquid, a satisfactory solution has not been reached, only a qualitative analysis that can serve a planned research.