MOURA, A. A.;; MOURA, Antonio Alberlandio de.
The teaching of reading and writing has become dissociated from the student's social reality, posing a problem because the text becomes a product just to obtain a grade, not motivating the student to improve reading and written textual production practices, significantly interfering with the understanding the text as an instrument of social practices fundamental to human communication, or even, and more seriously, installed instrumentalization for the precarious job market. Bringing it to the “classroom floor”, the interaction takes place mainly between teacher-student/student-teacher/student-student and should encourage feelings of empathy and respect for human dignity in these subjects, promoting school inclusion. This work is characterized as bibliographical research and its general objective is to develop strategies consistent with the Inclusive Education proposal for teaching reading and writing, as well as the development of these practices by students in the final years of Elementary School at rural schools. This objective is achieved with the construction of a didactic sequence notebook that has news as a genre to be explored in the workshops. As it is a textual genre very present in people's daily lives, it is able to bring classroom activities closer to the student's reality. To achieve this objective, the BDTD investigated academic literature published between 2017 and 2022 that dealt with the themes: Inclusive Education, Rural Education and teaching reading and writing. They also support the research of works by authors such as Antunes, Arroyo, Bakhtin, Mantoan and Mançano Fernandes.