; ARAÚJO, Josianne Ricarte de.
Given the great influence of digital technologies, especially mobile technology in our social environment, the use of digital media in the classroom provides new learning spaces. In addition to in-person environments, digital spaces can encourage students to learn actively. From this perspective, the objective of this study is to analyze the use of digital media, more specifically, the use of cell phones as an important tool for Portuguese language classes, with regard to the development of skills and competencies in the reading axis in classes from 6th to 9th year of elementary school. In this way, we outline reflections regarding reading, teaching, multiple literacies and, also, digital technologies. We carried out a survey of databases and analyzed studies that discuss the use of digital tools to work with reading. We classify this study as action and bibliographical research, of an applied, descriptive nature, with a qualitative approach. As for the theoretical contribution, the research is based mainly on the theories of Antunes (2003), Behrens (2013), Coscarelli (2016), Geraldi (2006), Gómez (2015), Kenski (2003), Kock and Elias (2017), Masetto (2013), Merije (2012), Moran (2013), Ribeiro (2007), Rojo (2013) and Solé (1998). Furthermore, the research takes into account the contributions of education guiding documents such as the National Common Curricular Base (2018), the policy guidelines for mobile learning, proposed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (2014), among others. As a final product, we created a pedagogical notebook, composed of five workshops, based on the exploration of the resources offered by cell phones, using digital applications as support for elementary school II teachers, with the purpose of expanding the possibilities in the teaching and learning process of reading. In this way, we hope to contribute to the teaching work and the reading training of students.