VALE, K. S.;; VALE, Katiana de Sousa.
This work seeks to reflect and present possible uses of the educational website “Um tour pelo Centro Histórico de Cajazeiras-PB” available on the platform, built with documentary records about the built heritage of Cajazeiras-PB (1920-1940), such as educational tool in teaching History, aiming to preserve the respective heritage assets of Cajazeirense. Cajazeiras is a city located in the Alto Sertão of Paraíba, which between the years 1920 and 1940, experienced an urban and commercial urban growth driven by the modernization movement of urban centers, already started in Europe since the 19th century - with the imposition of transformations in social, cultural and economic relations arising from the second wave of the Industrial Revolution; and which arrived in Brazil at the beginning of the 20th century, causing important transformations in the distribution of urban space in large Brazilian cities. However, nowadays the Cajazeirense scenario is different, what we see is a continuous degradation of its architectural heritage. That said, the theoretical-methodological perspective of this research is guided by concepts of Cultural History such as memory, cultural identities, representations, cultural heritage and heritage education, since these are articulated with different areas of knowledge of Applied Human and Social Sciences. Furthermore, this study aims to contribute so that future research on this spatiality involving its built heritage can show us the effective presence of Heritage Education in schools in this location, with a view to preserving local identities, based on the preservation of its architectural heritage.