SOUSA, A. P. F.;; SOUSA, Antônio Pedro Ferreira.
The use of mineral substances in the Borborema/Seridó Pegmatite Province was carried out in
an inadequate and predatory manner, with significant environmental damage and social and
economic impacts far below what was desirable for the local community. This thesis was
carried out with the aim of developing and disseminating a model consisting of actions for the
sustainable use of kaolin in a mined area, which is located in Sítio Galo Branco, in the rural
area of Equador, RN, within the scope of the Local Productive Arrangement - APL in
Pegmatites RN/PB. Initially, surveys were carried out of the territory where the kaolin mineralized areas are located, especially around the municipality of Equador, in Rio Grande do
Norte, through field visits and an extensive literature review, to also assess the legal situation.
Based on these surveys, the Galo Branco mine area was selected and a diagnosis was made of
the environmental and socio-economic aspects of this geographical space. In addition, studies
were carried out on kaolin mining operations, health and safety conditions at work and the
impacts generated by the practices used, from which actions were suggested to improve the
technical, environmental and socio-economic performance of this activity. To this end, the
sustainable model being implemented consists of a proposal to adapt mineral legislation in order
to speed up the formalization of areas for small kaolin mining companies operating in this
territory and which are part of the APL in Pegmatites RN/PB. In this context, four mining
permits were obtained, along with the respective environmental licenses. At the same time,
innovative technologies were recommended for the mining operations at the Galo Branco mine
of the Cooperativa dos Trabalhadores de Minério e Agricultura do Equador e Seridó -
COOTMAES and for adjustments to the kaolin processing unit of Mineração Nossa Senhora
de Lourdes. The implementation of these technologies is leading to significant gains in worker
health and safety, a reduction in environmental damage and an increase in the recovery from
ore processing. Finally, a seedling nursery has been built to support the recovery of the area
degraded by this mineral activity, and a process is in operation to make use of the waste from
kaolin processing. In general terms, the actions developed and recommended in this thesis are
already contributing to achieving some of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
proposed by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in this area, with the aim of
making life healthier for the community that lives in this region.