ROCHA, Clarice Oliveira da.; GADELHA, Antônio José Ferreira.; VIEIRA, Fernando Fernandes.; RIBEIRO, George do Nascimento.
Water is a natural resource essential to life. The water, which should be a gift of nature, is
being compromised. Every day that passes our quality of life is more precarious. Rivers and lakes are
becoming polluted its waters and increasingly dirty and cloudy due to the dismissal of the man. Our study
aims to evaluate the physical and chemical characteristics of mineral waters, for it has been analyzed
samples of five brands, purchased in supermarkets, marketed in the city of Campina Grande-PB. In the
characterization of mineral water, were determined following the physical and chemical parameters:
Sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, alkalinity and total waste and measuring the physical
and chemical characteristics, to the pH and electrical conductivity. The results of the physical and
chemical analysis showed that the waters are considered fit for human consumption and are within the
standards required by the Ministry of Health is recommended then, that for greater security, the
microbiological quality of these waters is considered to certify the quality of these.