SOUZA, M. N.;; SOUZA, Millana da Nóbrega e.
Inclusive education is a branch of public education policy, which seeks to guarantee the access and permanence of people with disabilities in regular schools, as well as to include higher education, based on the principle of equity, with the aim of facilitating this the same experiences that those without disabilities experience in the school environment. That said, this work started with the following concerns: what are the difficulties encountered in making the inclusion of people with disabilities in regular education? Therefore, its general objective is to analyze the possibilities and challenges of entry and permanence of people with disabilities in the regular school in the process of inclusive education. And specifically, to understand the history of education in Brazil; to analyze the impasses and possibilities in the Brazilian scenario for the fulfillment of the demands for the realization of inclusive education; and, investigate the ways and ways for inclusion in the school environment. In order to heal these objectives, the research is structured in three chapters and has as methodology a bibliographical review and field research, in which structured questionnaires were applied in five analytical axes. With respect to the theoretical framework, we use dialectical critical materialism, which seeks to understand the movement of reality through the transformations caused by the capitalist mode of production within society. Therefore, the results obtained by the research are that despite advances over the years, the education of people with disabilities still faces severe obstacles to their materialization, considering that the lack of continuous training for teachers who deal daily with the demands of these students, is one of the main challenges for their achievement.