OLIVEIRA, R. Q.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0011630865589271; OLIVEIRA, Roberta Queiroga de
The present study seeks to analyze whether there is a possibility that there are norms that,
coming from the same Original Constituent Power, could come into conflict
with other norms of the Constitutional Text and, as a result, be considered
Unconstitutional. The research has its problem delimited in the analysis of the system
through the deepening of three points: The limitation of the
Original Constituent Power, The existence of a hierarchy among the norms
constitutional and the principle of the unity of the Constitution and, finally, The competence of the
Constitutional Courts. The debate on the theme of Constitutional Norms
Unconstitutional Guidelines concentrates its greatest dilemma on whether or not to establish a hierarchy
between the principles and rules of the Constitution. The limitation, by values
of the Original Constituent Power and the existence and influence of a
Supralegal Law in the constitutionality of the norms present in the Charter, are
arguments that persuade