This study aims to analyze the multiprofessional work in which social workers are inserted in the Regional Hospital of Sousa / PB. The discussion about multiprofessional work has been going on for the past three decades, but there are few papers and articles about the subject. According to Vasconcelos (2010, p. 45), multiprofessional work is a "[...] range of disciplines that we propose simultaneously, but without showing the existing relations between them." In order to do so, we sought to analyze the challenges posed in the working conditions and the possibilities in the resolution and viability of demands for the multiprofessional work in health policy. In this way, a bibliographic study was conducted about challenges, achievements and setbacks of Health Policy and Social Work in Brazil, in the scope of understanding the real, the relations that appear behind the appearance as a pseudoconcreticity (Kosik, 2011 ). The extracted data were analyzed from the dialectical critical perspective; through an empirical survey every other day - because the professionals work for 24hr shifts - with 30% of HRS social workers, from a structured questionnaire with open and closed questions. The results of the research provided an understanding of how the work of social workers, their attributions and competences, as well as their insertion and relevance into thr multiprofessional team.