OLIVEIRA, R. D. M.; OLIVEIRA, Raísia Dhanielly Mende de
The present work addresses the aspects related to Copyright and Freedom
of expression in front of the Internet, which, as it is a global system of networks of
computers, enables communication and file transfer from a machine
the other is connected to the network, enabling an exchange of information. The
Internet, without a doubt, brings great benefits to all those who use it, as it has
contributed significantly to social relations, due to its evolution
Technological. However, it has brought great and innovative problems, which are not
prepared, society and the law have suffered to be able to balance and repair the
situations that arise. Copyright consists of the right to use the assets of the
intellectual work, and is guaranteed by the Magna Carta, as well as the freedom of
expression as well, because the manifestation of thought is free, and the
anonymity. Hence the problematic, because birth and