ARAÚJO, E. E. S.;; ARAÚJO, Estéfane Ehrich de Sousa.
This paper presents an analysis about the perception of the beneficiaries of the Bolsa Família Program (PBF), which are registered in the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS I), located in the Mutirão neighborhood of Sousa-PB, in order to understand the reality of Their apprehension about the said program, considering that these individuals are characterized as main in this process. To do so, based on poverty in the understanding of the Family Grant Program, we refer to the theoretical discussion on social assistance, which went from assistentialist practice to law, highlighting the legal frameworks of Social Assistance policy, such as the Organic Law on Social Assistance ), The National Social Assistance Policy (PNAS) and the Single Social Assistance System (SUAS). We also sought to explain the course of the Brazilian income transfer programs until reaching the Bolsa Família Program. This fact, the research pointed out in this work is qualitative and of exploratory nature. The field research was carried out with ten beneficiary families of the PBF, in their residences, at random. Data were collected through a semi-structured questionnaire and the method of analysis is based on the critical social theory used by the Social Service.
The results of the research reveal the contradictions of the program: first, the importance it represents in the lives of beneficiary families, improving survival conditions and access to products and services, and secondly, those who understand it as a source of Sustenance, which sometimes generates a certain ease.