DANTAS, F. V.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8006491010189012; DANTAS, Fernanda Valentim.
The present monograph results from a research carried out around the topic of expansion of Higher Education in Brazil, as well as the process of internalization of federal public universities and how this expansion provided the creation of the Social Work course in the city of Sousa (Alto Sertão of Paraiba/PB), which occurred especially during the PT´s government in the 2000s. We start from the premise that the process of reform and counter-reform of the State and Higher Education directly affected public universities, giving a more privatizing character to Higher Education, once treated how priority, over the past decades, an academic training based on the increase in vacancies in private institutions, promoting the education’s commodification, leaving it to be not fully satisfying in the basic education’s tripod, that is teaching, research and extension. This way, the expansion of access to higher education was promoted by the increase in the enrollment of students in higher education; in contrast, this expansion was not associated with the prevailing mechanisms for this education to be offered with quality. Thins monograph has for object: To analyze the process of precarization of higher education in Brazil, identifying possible interface of the Social Work course in the municipality of Sousa in Alto Sertão of Paraiba; To investigate the process of expansion of the Federal Universities and Private Training Institutes in the logic of commercialization of Brazilian education and the possible articulation with the implementation of the Social Service course in the Upper Sertão Paraibano; Analyze, within the logic of expanding higher education in the country, the emergence of the Social Service course in the municipality of Sousa in Alto Sertão Paraibano; Analyze, within the logic of expanding higher education in the country, the emergence of the Social Service course in the municipality of Sousa in Alto Sertão Paraibano. In addition, some reflections on the importance of the process of the interiozation of federal public HEIs for the insertion of working class children in higher education. In order to do this, we carried out a bibliographic and documentary study on educational policies in the dictatorial period, on neoliberalism, Reform and counterreformation of the State and higher education, of the PT government, as well as on the current legislation regarding governmental proposals for Brazilian education . We carried out the application of a questionnaire in order to trace the profile of the students and in addition to recorded and semi-structured interviews. Thus, we can understand that the expansion process of higher education, in the way that is being conducted, leads to a precariousness and devaluation of public higher education, where we will have the promotion of distance learning that have been gaining more and more space every day. Which is not guaranteeing a public education, totally free, secular, quality and socially referenced.