NASCIMENTO, J. F. S.;; NASCIMENTO, Jéssica Fernandes da Silva.
The work of conclusion of the course brings the particularities of the work of the Guardianship Council and the social assistance network in the municipality of Sousa-PB to defend, promote and guarantee the rights of children and adolescents. It talks about the challenges that children's and adolescents' policies are facing in order to materialize access to rights, especially with regard to intersectorality and the articulated work between institutions with children and adolescents. The research is guided by the critical-dialectical method, contemplating bibliographical and field research. Counselors and technicians from the Social Assistance Reference Centers (CRAS), the Specialized Reference Center for Social Assistance, the Guardianship Council and Casa Lar Credendo Vides were the subject of the survey. In this study, the particularities of conceptions about children and adolescents in the light of the Statute of Children and Adolescents (ECA), the role of a guardian counselor for protection of children and adolescents, the understanding of the Intersectorial work and the difficulties placed in this work with the social assistance network. Although there are contradictions and limits placed in the reality of the Tutelary Councils, there is a protection to children and adolescents that is articulated with the legalistic directives of the ECA. One of the difficulties we encountered was the latent disarray among the institutions regarding networking. Therefore, the Guardianship Council has its importance for the defense and guarantee of children's rights, but it deserves more attention from the public authorities in order to promote more effective actions among intersectoral work.