ANDRADE, L. G. A.;; ANDRADE, Liliane Gomes de Abrantes.
The present work has the purpose of discussing the graduation process in Social Work in the distance modality and its impacts on the professional formation of the social workers of the municipality of Sousa / PB. The research in question of a qualitative nature, based on dialectical historical materialism, provided a bibliographical review of the authors who discuss the subject, as well as a documentary analysis of the instruments that materialize Brazilian higher education at a distance and the productions of the entities representative of the category of Social assistants who critically approach the problem studied. We produced empirical data with a tutor and 08 (eight) professionals trained in the distance modality, with the questionnaire as the instrument of collection. The results allowed the identification of the non-functioning of the 1996 Curricular Guidelines in the Social Service courses offered at the distance learning centers of UNOPAR and UNITINS, located in the city of Sousa / PB, in view of the absence of fundamental aspects to the professional training of social workers Such as: activities related to research and extension, student movements, representation in collegiate bodies, compulsory internship in accordance with PNE, fragility of the content taught, etc. In this way, the research revealed the fragility of the professional training of social workers graduated in the aforementioned poles of education, due to the palliative, precarious
and lightening nature of non-face-to-face teaching. In short, there is the incompatibility between distance graduation and Social Work.