COSTA, M. N. F.; COSTA, Mirtes Nayanne Freitas.
The theoretical production on screen is aimed at the discussion about the political organization of the students of the Social Service course (MESS), Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Sousa campus, seeking the identification of the fronts of struggle of this collective subject; The alliances locked in their scenario of combativeness, the challenges of these subjects within the locus of action; The perceptions of the same ones around the services of support to the students operationalized in that educational institution, and the exercise of militancy of these in the fight against the processes of precarization of the student assistance. The construction of this work is fundamentally qualitative, having as a subsidy the dialectical historical materialism, mainly by this method problematize the difficulties that surround the understanding of the concrete reality, proposing an analysis of reality from the perspectives of totality, change and contradiction. In this direction, we offer bibliographic review research on renowned authors that discuss the topics addressed, as well as perform a documentary research in order to identify aspects that contribute to the exploration of the nuclei researched. To do so, we conducted interviews that articulated open and closed questions to five (05) students in full exercise of militancy, both from the MESS base, and from the direction. The interviewees were not chosen in a random way, since militants who were in the condition of user of the student assistance services operationalized at UFCG/SOUSA were raised. The results of the research allowed the identification of the flags of struggles of this collective subject; As well as alliances, strategies and articulations; The challenges faced in the work of militancy and formation of militants; The analyzes of the subjects around the student assistance services and the processes of combativeness the retraction of the rights and scrapings centralized in the student assistance of that campus.