BANDEIRA, R. S.;; BANDEIRA, Rafaela de Sousa.
This work of course completion aimed to analyze the limits and possibilities for the feasibility of the Ethical-Political Project of Social Work and the health project proposed by the Sanitary Reform against neoliberal determinations. In view of these elements, it is necessary to go through the socio-historical trajectory of neoliberalism, its globalization and how this current of thought linked to the great capital was established in Brazil, of provincial and late-capitalist social formation, which
profoundly affect the meaning of the work in its ontological centrality for the working class. In this perspective, Social Service is part of the process of socio-technical division of labor as a profession permeated by conflicts, correlations of forces since it reproduces the logic of capital, but through its Ethical-Political Project, it presents possible paths for the transformation of an emancipated society of exploitation and inequalities between the fundamental classes of this mode of production. The
analyzes contained in this study were the result of the personal and academic questions abstracted from the experiences of the Supervised Internship at the Regional Hospital of Pombal - PB, in which the neoliberal context became evident as a determinant of health policymaking, also, it was observed that the professional practices are separated from the foundations proposed by the health project
advocated by the health reform and the ethical-political contributions supported by the professional project. The objective is to understand the socio-historical process in which neoliberalism was configured, to understand the effects of neoliberal politics on Brazilian health policy and to identify the multiple neoliberal determinations about the work of social workers who work in health policy. It is an exploratory / qualitative bibliographical research that, through dialectical historical materialism, intends to reflect on the challenges posed to the Ethical-Political Project of Social Service and
its ethical-political relationship with the sanitary health project, which take the intransigent commitment to the defense of social and human rights of the working class.