SANTOS, K. P.;; SANTOS, Kaio Pereira.
The policy of racial quotas is being active, efficient, and effective in increasing black repre-sentation in public universities? Based on this question we structured the objectives of this work, aiming to analyze whether the racial quotas policy has managed to equate the per-centages of black students admitted and enrolled in universities of Brazil’s federal states with the overall percentage of blacks in each state population between 2009 and 2021. To this end, the specific objectives to achieve the general objective are the exposition of the pre-quota scenario and the comparison of this initial moment with the post-quota period. A deductive methodology was used, employing the R software for data processing and analysis, with evaluation based on the 3Es (Effectiveness, Efficiency, and Efficacy). The results indicate that in the comparison of the two scenarios, the quota policy has been shown to be active, efficient, and effective. However, even with an approximation of the representation of black entrants and new arrivals in universities by state to the percentage of blacks in the state, no state has equated the percentage of the former with the latter variable.