OLIVEIRA, A. R. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9172082672454861; OLIVEIRA, Ana Rosa Sobreira de.
This study approaches the instrumentality of Social Service as a mediation to guarantee of social rights in Federal University of Campina Grande – FUCG, at campi of Cajazeiras, Sousa and Pombal. The politics of student assistance was discussed for the purposes of building our critics and reflections. The present paper aims to know and to explore the theme ans it was realized na investigation with the four (4) social assistants from the mentioned campi, identifying their daily activities i student assistance, paying attention to the instrumental of house visit, used with short-incoming students for programas of Residence in University. As method, it was chosen the historical-dialectic materialism to analyze the contemporary scene, from the universal to the particular. It possibilities an oversight of social phenomena. It was adopted qualitative approach, which, according to Teixeira (2006, p.137), is defined by the fact of “the searcher try to reduce the distance between and data [...]. Searcher’s personal experiences are important elements in the analysis and understanding of the phenomena which are being studied”. The method in this search constitutes of theoretical productions that consider the theme, besides halfstructured interviews and questionnaire. The results reveal that, although exist programs such as Residence in University, Restaurant in University, REUNI and “Stay Aid” in FUCG, the politics is deficient because it focuses actions and public, separating them. We infer that, in spite of positive aspects of these programs, it’s important there to be iniciatives directed to the stay of students because it would be na advance in the politics of student assistance. It’s necessary a financial apparatus which really permits their stay in the Federal Intitutes of Superior Teaching – FIST.