MESQUITA, Rui Gomes de Mattos de.; SÁ, Carolina.
We have focused on the articulation between learnship rights stated in the National Agreement on Appropriate AgeAlphabetization (a government policy) and the formative dimension of education. What type of curricular logicsmakes for the building of a school daily routine open to dialog with current social processes in the countryside. Arethe rights founded in the learning of reading and writing against the field school principle of autonomy? Since whatperspectives have we to dialog with such a rights? Those are matters we have looked into. We sponsor the schoolas an agglutinating centre of formative intentionality; an articulating space of teaching, memory and life trajectory.We have noticed, nevertheless, that the pedagogical projects of countryside social movements happen in a schoolspace only formally open to difference. At last, amplifying the debate for urban schools, we have concluded that theontological movements of emergency of collective subjectivities must be the centre of educative practice interestedin favor rights that are still to be deepened: of narrating our own histories; feeding critically our tastes e values;building aesthetical options which make us stronger; articulating such knowledge and values with the reproductionof our lives in order to enhance the power of worker rather than the capital.