ALVES, K. L. A.;; COSTA, Kassia Larissa Abrantes Alves.
The sustainability of creative communities consists of the organization of social
actors around cultural and creative practices carried out through the use of local resources, with
the potential to transform the reality of community members. This dissertation analyzes
Brazilian creative communities in the light of sustainability. To achieve this purpose, the
research was developed based on three stages. The first constituted the field of study of the
association between creative economy and sustainable development, whose conceptual
structure comprises the themes: cities, creative communities, sustainability, politics and culture.
This step was important to direct the theoretical approach, possible gaps and delimit the
research to the central theme of creative communities and sustainability. The second stage
consisted of proposing a form of analysis for Brazilian creative communities in the light of
sustainability, to this end, the model by Xiong et al. (2017) considering economic, social,
environmental and cultural factors and bringing them closer to the Brazilian reality, from the
perspective that thinking about the sustainability of creative communities is aligned with the
process of transforming the territory and overcoming inequalities. The proposed form of
analysis addresses the participation of social actors inserted in communities as protagonists in
the process in search of sustainable and inclusive development in their localities. The third stage
comprised the analysis of the Chã de Jardim creative community in the light of sustainability.
For this purpose, face-to-face interviews were carried out with creative workers and community
members, non-participant observation and documentary analysis. In this way, it was possible
to outline the current state of sustainability and create networks of influence between the
adopted criteria and dimensions. The analysis showed that Chã de Jardim aligns itself with a
creative community that promotes sustainability and generates economic, social, environmental
and cultural benefits for social actors involved directly or indirectly with the community.