ALMEIDA, C. T.;; ALMEIDA, Camila Tavares de.
In view of the unbridled growth of the population in the contemporary world, historical fact that has permeated society bringing, in a direct way, numerous aggravating regarding the housing sector as well as the environment, where this is due to the unplanned manner that cities have been forming. Thus the overall guiding objective of this study is to analyze the relation City and Environment with the interfaces of the habitacional policy of the city of Sousa/PB. Using as methodological instruments of study exploratory, descriptive and bibliographical researches, by performing a particular survey to reach the conclusion. The results indicate the need for a study regarding the formation of cities and environmental impacts that are caused, because the significant increase of the population in urban centers. Targeting a look at the city of Sousa/PB, that has been structured under this historical process, providing the need for a larger structure with regard to environmental and urban policies, in order to have a decent housing structure.