FERREIRA, J. B. N.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/0944161797851123; FERREIRA, João Batista Neves.
The ENEM (National High School Exam) in Libras (Brazilian Sign Language) is a milestone
for the education of the deaf in Brazil due to the relevance of the exam, what it represents,
and the dimension of which skills and competencies are required from candidates to do it. In
this thesis, retextualization constitutes the construction of the wording of the ENEM
videoquestions (VQs) in Libras from the years 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022, with emphasis on
the structural enunciative changes of the test to meet the differences in language modality,
Portuguese Language - original language - with written mode, and Libras - target language of
the retextualization process - with on-screen mode due to the use of video-signed Libras. Our
main objective is understanding how the retextualization processes of the ENEM occur in
Libras, and how the video-signed utterances are built when they are retextualized from
written Portuguese to video questions in Libras. Its developments include (i) characterizing
the constitutive aspects of the wording of the video questions under the perspective of
retextualization; (ii) describing the retextualization processes that took place for the
construction of the signed videos for the ENEM in Libras from the 2019 to 2022 editions; (iii)
relating the retextualization processes described from the perspective of multimodality and
multisemiotics, the visuospatial resources of the ENEM in Libras video questions when
creating the Metavisual Text (MVT) resulting from a retextualization process with all the
indispensable elements for its construction, the multimodal compositional elements, based
on the Grammar of Visual Design (GVD) that incorporates translation in its process of
creating the visual-spatial and multisemiotic strategies for its enunciative structure. Our
theoretical framework included Marcuschi (1993, 2010), Travaglia (1993, 2013), Matencio
(2003) Kress and Van Leeuwen (1996, 2006), among others. Our research methodology had
a qualitative-quantitative approach (Minayo, 2009), of a descriptive-interpretative, exploratory
(Gil, 2002, 2008) and digital documentary nature (Amaral; Viana; Natal, 2008), on a corpus
with virtual documents (Kozinets, 2010) available on INEP’s official website and YouTube
Channel. Our analysis included the section of the test titled Languages, Codes and their
Technologies from the above mentioned years. The results indicate how the MVT is
constructed, considering the textual mode, the visual-spatial resources, the enunciative
textual structure, the compositional construction, and the linguistic and extralinguistic
elements as constitutive aspects. Finally, it is evident that this study brings innovative
contributions through understanding the ENEM in Libras as an accessible MVT; therefore, it
can be used as a model and a possibility for creating verbal-visual didactic content, which
can advance the education of the deaf in Brazil and their access to higher education.