GONÇALVES, F. J.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/8817872869412076; GONÇALVES, Francielly Jácome.
The child and the adolescent in Brazilian society have gone through several processes of transformation, since the arrival of the little survivors to Brazilian lands in vessels, but also registers the construction of a forgotten childhood, without protection, as anonymous, abandoned and abused children, until the time when you get focus in discussions and polemics laws approvals that have been generated, guaranteed and take effect with the 1988 Federal Constitution and with the Statute of the child and adolescent/1990. In this regard, with the goal to understand the role of socio-educational measures in the municipality de Sousa-PB. And the determinants that lead teenagers to committed infractions and acts as being accompanied by Specialized reference Center for Social assistance (CREAS). The research was Individual plan document availability (PIA), , bibliographical and field, by means of semi-structured interviews that is characterized by qualitative study, carried out with the institutions that receive the adolescents in community service, covering a total of 06 (six) different institutions, professionals considering analysis through the lens of thought dialectical critic of Marxism, treating historicity of social processes, the socioeconomic conditions and precisely the criticism to reality. In this way, the research has allowed us an approximation with the professionals they host in their respective institutions, it enables us to reach some conclusions: first, the vast majority of teenagers need a mutual monitoring of both the CREAS, like family, because that way, socio-educational measure shall be carried out more effectively, according to understand the need to keep the teenager at school or in activities that facilitate their physical and psychological occupation, because at the time of the schooling measure reflects the organization of activities and utilization of educational work consecutively in third and employees need to be empowered and present a specific knowledge to work in the institutions, how to meet the daily demand and tread most critical actions for, interventional and the dynamics comprising, discernment of society as well as the importance of struggles social intervention of the State in social policies and social issues along the Nueces River. Therefore, identified a knowledge able to observe the reality and understand that the polemics in which involve the child and the teenager are fruits of contrary views and that every professional should establish and maintain their professional ethics and is based on the most varied discussions.