SILVA, F. S.;; SILVA, Francisca de Sousa.
The present study aims to analyze the image and self-image of the Brazilian Social Service in a socio-historical perspective. To this end, discussed the fundamentals and prospects of analyses built on the image (and the self-image) Social Service Professional, as well as traces the history of the profession, highlighting the peculiarities that the profession takes on socio-technical division of labour. In order to understand the object in its multiple dimensions and connections, we opted for the dialectical method, whose option reveals the intention of successive approximations of the investigated object and considers the time limits and the initial steps of the researcher in the search universe. Appealed also the bibliographical research of qualitative approach in order to achieve the proposed objectives. On the analyses carried out, it is understood that the image of the Social Service is currently crossed by traditional elements (existing since the emergence of the profession in Brazil) and others considered new and from a broad intellectual and political maturation process of the profession in recent decades. The self-image, in turn, expresses itself in the universe, so professional and not homogeneous in the hegemonic Project Ethical-political Social Service.