CORREIA, É. G.;; CORREIA, Érika Gomes.
This research aims to analyze the implementation process of the Centro Pop program in
Campina Grande-PB. The research method used was a case study, exploratory and
descriptive, with a qualitative and quantitative approach. In the research development phase,
an analysis of documents and legislation relating to the operation of the program at a national
level was initially carried out. Afterwards, semi-structured questionnaires were applied in situ
with the employees and coordination of Centro Pop de Campina Grande. After applying the
questionnaire to the employee, the data was treated qualitatively, designing the respondent's
profile, highlighting the degree of satisfaction, aspects of the work and the functioning of the
institution. When applying the questionnaire aimed at coordination, a mirroring was carried
out between how the program works and how it should be according to the law. The research
reveals that the factors that interfere in the provision of the service during the process of its
implementation are: the limits of financial, structural and human resources, knowledge about
the program and the positive evaluation of street bureaucrats. The conclusion of this research
leads to the understanding that of the fifty-four variables analyzed in this study, 77.8%
correspond positively to the implementation evaluation criteria, while 7.4% correspond to
partial results of meeting the criteria and 14.8% correspond failure to meet the criteria.
Furthermore, it was identified that the program, due to limitations in human, financial and
structural resources, is unable to execute all the axes foreseen in the policy, such as: ease of
referral to permanent reception institutions (hostels), provision of periodic educational groups,
offering permanent training for all professional categories, offering balanced nutrition, better
coordination with the assistance network, better security for the institution, possession of
necessary tools to carry out the service for all professional categories.