DINIZ, J. S.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/1863332676103821; DINIZ, Janaína da Silva.
This monograph is the result of a field research developed in Legal Sciences and Social Center of the Federal University of Campina Grande, in Sousa, Paraíba, to check whether religion influences decisively in the preppy choice of course of Social Service. The research problem arose in the academic everyday through observations, as well as the idea was fueled by stereotypes the course of the study object. Another point which strengthened the hypothesis was knowing that social work has its genesis based on the principles that underlie all the action of the Catholic Church, considering that the first actions were from the voluntary and philanthropic work performed by women selected by religious entity. Protestantism also participated in this welfare process because religious institutions fought the capitalist system which arose as a result of the industrial revolution. For the success of this study was necessary to collect data over the previously prepared questionnaire that included the participation of undergraduate students of the center of higher education. The presence of religion in shaping them is an unquestionable fact, however, it was found that there is a conscious influence in most of the cases. Research on this subject are still insignificant, which complicates the analysis and comparison of data.