SOARES, D. O.; SOARES, Deymakson Olegário
This work addresses the contrast between the student in pursuit of educational
gain and learning across the stage and the company granting the young student who
sees an opportunity to hire cheap labor and qualified, in violation of the provisions in
the law. Objective is also to show in the early chapters the changes occurred in the
old laws to protect the trainees until the advent of the , New Law of Stages 26
September 2008 which brought one of the key points for, stricter monitoring and
setting the ceiling hours worked by the student. This pâper aims to show what
happens in the workplace of some students and analyze the causes which contribute
to a trainee contract at variance with what is established in the law and what
steps can be taken to prevent its transformation into concealed a contract of cheap
labor and qualified. The work uses the " deductive method, starting
from general assumptions o f the employment contract is typical of the CLT and
reaching the specific assumptions that governed the contract stage, today,
by Law No. 11.788/2008. The aim is to conclude that even with the innovations of the
law, with the supervision of the institution and the performance of the Ministry of
Labor of the current concept stage does not fit the reality effectively practiced by the
trainees in their routine work, requiring several steps to be taken to fill gaps in the
law and abolish the practice atypical.