SOUSA, S. G.;; SOUSA, Sarah Gomes e.
This work is about the student access to the UFCG university refectory at Cajazeiras/PB Campus, discussing categories such as University and Student Assistance. With the purpose of analysing the determinants related to the difficulties in the access of the University Refectory at the mentioned campus, we’ve performed a research with four of five refectory managers, what are the Pro-rector, director, the social worker and the student movement to get a wider overview of the reality of the programme at the campus with the aim of also to provide a deeper understanding of the obstacles fot the student access to the Univesity Refectory. The method used for that consisted on historical dialectic materialism,analysing and criticizing the current configuration of th capitalist society, in the Brazilian higher education, ranging from the general to the particular, in an attempt to an unveiling of social phenomena in its entirety. The performed research was primarily qualitative and with this horizon as methodological procedures we adopted a bibliographical review and semi-structured interviews. The obtained results through the research confirm that the neoliberal logic strongly pervades the Brazilian public policy and the permanence policy of the Federal Institutes of Higher Education – IFES is not excluded from this reality, what directly influences the student access to the student assistance programmes. Apprehending this idea, through the university refectory we’ve realized the importance of this permanence programme for the quality of training of the student once allows him to experience more from what the university has to offer. In the research we’ve also visualised possibilities of overcoming the limits for achieving the universalization, such as the investment in the student movement organization, seeking to make the necessary links and looking for tools to fight for the effective right of all the students to the access to the refectory and also others student assistance programmes. We concluded that the permance policy in the IFES is extremely important, and the refectory is one of the most relevant programmes present in these areas since it provides in addition to alimentation others possibilities such as conviviality and a longer stay in the university environment, what allows the student to have access to others spheres of action provided by the Univesity. Furthermore, we identified that to achieve the universal access of the students to the refectory and consequently to the other programmes we still have a lot to fight for, considering the actual effectiveness of this permanence policy.