ALMEIDA, K. M.;; ALMEIDA, Karla Monteiro de
The federal government housing program "Minha Casa, Minha Vida" (author's translation:
"Home, My Life"), established by Law nº. 11.977/2009 brings controversial provisions that
interfere in family relationships, in particular art. 35-A, which is designed for women,
preferably ownership of property acquired through this program during a separation or
divorce, except in the case of man figure as holder of the sole custody of the couple's children,
in which case the property will be in his name or he will be transferred in the event of
dissolution of marriage or stable union. In both cases, it is completely disregarded property
regime applicable to the couple. It happens that this supposed preference has caused
discussions, questioning whether there would be a violation of the principle of equality,
especially in relation to gender equality, as well as whether it would be possible for the State
to intervene in the private autonomy relativizing property regime applied to marriage or the
stable, freely elected by the couple or, in the absence of choice, applied the law. However, to
arrive at this response is necessary to observe various legal, historical and social issues. The
house being a constitutional right, we must examine the State's obligation in enables it,
entering in the aspect of the social function of property, subject as relevant today when talking
on the subject. On family law, implies the need to observe, especially the provisions on
matrimonial property regimes and the new roles assumed by its components. It is essential to
study the principle of equality, especially after the 1988 Constitution. This paper aims to
analyze the housing program "Minha Casa, Minha Vida", its institution, the effects of the
provisions of art. 35-A, and finally , if the national legal system to greets or not, in order to
conclude about their (un)constitutionality, therefore, it is necessary to observe the aspects
related to the social function of property, equality between genders and the placement of
women in the current social context. The methodology used is the method of deductive
approach, starting from a general to specific. This time, it concludes, the constitutionality of Art. 35-A of Law nº. 11.977/09, since it is perfectly in line with the national legal system,
especially with the 1988 Constitution.