SOUSA, A. J. D.;; SOUSA, Ana Júlia Dantas de.
Brazil is currently considered one of the countries with the highest concentration of land in the
world. This concentration has been present in this territory since the period of colonization,
where this practice has continued into contemporary times through some adaptations. Forms
of struggle and resistance have emerged over the years, such as the so-called “Ligas
Camponesas”, and as Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) and the
Comissão Pastoral da Terra (CPT), which, by seeking a more fair and egalitarian, they
organized rural workers to demand basic rights such as: access to land, housing and Agrarian
Reform. In this way, we seek to analyze the Curralinho site, considered one of the largest
properties in the region, located in the municipality of Paulista, in the Alto Sertão Paraibano,
between the period of 1981, the year in which its owner died, and the year 2023. The
transformations that took place at the site after its expropriation by Instituto Nacional de
Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA) in 2003 and the implementation of a Settlement
Project (PA) were discussed, and how this fact impacted the lives of rural workers who came
to be settled at the site. This research, in addition to crossing sources, such as minutes of
meetings of the Associação dos Agricultores do Assentamento Curralinho (AAAC, Paulista –
PB), was based on the methods used by Oral History, trying to analyze from the Memories of
the subjects involved in this process. It is discussed, above all, with the following authors: José
de Souza Martins (1999), Bernardo Mançano Fernandes (2004), Ariovaldo Umbelino de
Oliveira (2007), Giordan Silva de Oliveira (2013), Lucilia Delgado (2010), Michel Pollack
(1992), Emília Moreira and Ivan Targino (1997), among others.