JUSTINO, R.D.M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/9452338955210109; JUSTINO, Rogéria Dantas de Melo.
In this work, we propose to investigate the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) of
Portuguese Language for the Final Years of Elementary School, focusing on the proposal
of Multiliteracies. We start from the following investigative question: how is the proposal
of Multiliteracies configured in the BNCC of Portuguese Language for the Final Years of
Elementary School and, furthermore, what possibilities and directions does the document
mobilize with regard to working with multimodal genres? As a general objective, we
propose: to analyze the relations between the BNCC and the Pedagogy of Multiliteracies,
taking as an analytical focus the axes of reading, text production and orality, aimed at the
Final Years of Elementary School. As specific objectives, we seek: a) to interpret the extent
to which the theoretical-conceptual bases arising from the Pedagogy of Multiliteracies are
placed in the BNCC of Portuguese Language for the Final Years of Elementary School; b)
observe the skills related to the axes of reading, text production and orality in terms of
possibilities for working with multimodal genres in the Final Years of Elementary School
and; c) discuss the implications of the BNCC's multiliteracies proposal with regard to
reading practices and production of multimodal genres at school. The theoretical
contribution is mainly based on concepts such as literacy (SOARES, 2003; 2004;
BUNZEN, 2019), multiliteracies and multimodality (KALANTZIS, COPE, PINHEIRO,
2020; CAZDEN ET AL., 2021; GRUPO NOVA LONDRES, 2021); and textual/discursive
genres (BAKHTIN, 2003; ROJO; BARBOSA, 2015 and DIONÍSIO, 2011). As for the
methodology, we resorted to the qualitative approach based on interpretivism, using the
documentary research procedure. Based on Cellard (2012) and Moraes (1999), we
organized the data generation, systematization and analysis procedure. In an attempt to
answer our question, as well as to achieve the proposed objectives, we made a selection that
includes excerpts from the texts directed to the language area (p. 63-64), the introductory
text of the Portuguese Language component (p. 67- 86). The results indicate that the BNCC
of Portuguese Language for the Final Years of Elementary School is coated with concepts
arising from the Pedagogy of Multiliteracies, although these concepts are not directly
associated with the theory of LNG, since the document does not have a specific theory about
the notions of multiliteracies and multimodality/multisemiotics. With regard to the skills
belonging to the reading, text production and orality axes, the document presents a series of
genres that give rise to multiple possibilities for working with multimodality in the Final
Years of Elementary School.