CRUZ, C. S.;; CRUZ, Claudia dos Santos.
Occupational Therapy is constituted as a field of knowledge and assistance that
makes use of various human activities, such as an innovative proposal mental health,
expanding the possibilities of care to the rescue of the citizenship rights of people
with a mental disorder. Among the therapeutic alternatives, the activities that fall
within the patients in contact with nature emerge as the most eficentes. The study
aims to present the proposal for flower production as a therapeutic resource
accessible to patients with mental disorders as an alternative to the social
rehabilitation and income generation of users CAPS I EstaçãoNovosRumos de Sumé
- PB. Data collection occurred through observations and interviews with professionals
and users of CAPS. The results point to the satisfaction of service users and indicate
that the flower production activity is an alternative to improve the quality of emotional
life as well as being an opportunity to generate employment and income. Health
professionals wave as positive flower production activity and agree that the therapy
has promoted motivation in users and have encouraged the socialization and the
strengthening of these skills.