GAMA, M. C.;; GAMA, Michelle Correa da.
This Labor Completion of Course had finally assay the effectiveness of networking between health policies and education within the CAPS i John Paul II, in the city of Sousa-PB. The same finding was aimed at the challenges facing the realization of the network actions from the perspective of mental health. To this end, comparisons about what is proposed in terms of legislation and public policies for children and youth in mental situation and what is laid to reality with respect to mental health for the same have been prepared. As instruments for the realization of this work, the literature review and experimental report based on field observation were used during the disciplines of Supervised I and II, in order, by the method of Absences Sociology and Sociology of Emergencies, Boaventura de Sousa Santos, be considered the initial hypothesis which affirms the effectiveness of the actions of public policies in the network, and then refutes it.