BASTOS, L. B.;; BASTOS, Luan Bitencourt.
The search for clean and sustainable energy, such as solar energy, has gained ground due to its low environmental impact compared to the use of fossil fuels. In Brazil, there are a number of standards and regulations responsible for ensuring the safety and quality of photovoltaic systems. This paper proposes a comparative bibliographic review of these Brazilian standards and regulations, namely ABNT NBR 16149:2013 and ANEEL's Distribution Rules and Procedures (PRODIST), modules 3 and 8, relating to inverters and photovoltaic systems connected to the grid, and the European IEC 61727:2004 and American IEEE 1547:2018 standards, seeking to identify similarities and differences between the technical requirements adopted. The standards address aspects such as direct current injection limitation, harmonic distortion, flicker, power factor and reactive power injection in photovoltaic systems. With regard to limiting the injection of direct current, ABNT NBR 16149, IEEE 1547 and IEC 61727 set limits for the direct current injected into the network, while IEC 61727 allows higher values than IEEE 1547 and ABNT 16149. All the standards recommend total harmonic distortion of less than 5%. For flicker, ABNT NBR 16149 specifies limits in line with IEC 61000 standards, while IEEE 1547 defines monitoring intervals for short- and long-term flicker. For power factor and reactive power, IEEE 1547 establishes detailed guidelines for controlling power factor and reactive power.