RIBEIRO, G. O. C.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/7649899192346360; RIBEIRO, Gilvânia Oliveira de Carvalho.
This dissertation deals with research within the scope of Line 1: Educational History,
Policy and Management, of the Postgraduate Program in Education at the Federal
University of Campina Grande (PPGEd/UFCG). Its purpose is the privatization of a new
type of continuing teacher training, developed by the Educar pra Valer Program (EpV) in
the municipality of João Pessoa/PB. The research was guided by the following guiding
question: How is the new type of privatization expressed in the Cooperation Agreement,
the Work Plan and the annual Plan for continuing and in-service training for teachers in
the municipality of João Pessoa/PB, developed by the Educar pra Valer program? In this
direction, it is guided by the general objective: to analyze the new type of privatization in
municipal public education in João Pessoa-PB, with a focus on the continued training of
teachers developed by the EpV Program. To this end, we have the following specific
research mediating objectives: (i) contextualize the counter-reform of the Brazilian State
and the continuing teacher training policy; (ii) identify the main aspects and principles of
new type privatization in the continued formation of the Educar pra Valer Program; (iii)
investigate the mediations to implement a new type of privatization in the continuing
education of teachers in the municipal network of João Pessoa and, (iv) analyze the
conceptions of teachers and the training perspective present in the guiding documents of
the Educar pra Valer Program. The analysis of the object is anchored in the theoretical
methodological contribution of historical-dialectical materialism with the analysis
categories totality, historicity, contradiction and mediation and, as mediators of the
analyses, the concepts of new type privatization, continued teacher training and
hegemony. To analyze the data obtained, content analysis (Bardin, 2021) was adopted
based on thematic analysis. The analysis of the documents presented, as a result, two new
categories, namely: privatization and the role of the teacher. Privatization is possible
thanks to legal political mediations, both at the macro and micro levels, that is, the
formulation of federal, state and municipal laws. The second category is the role of the
teacher within the Educar pra Valer Program.EpV's continued training is based on the
epistemology of practice, and the teacher's role is practical-reflective. Another aspect
found in the analyzes of the role of the teacher described in the guiding documents is the
notion that the teacher is an instrument, an object for achieving the goals imposed by the
Program on the municipality.