ARAÚJO, T. F.;; ARAÚJO, Tatiana Ferreira de.
This research investigates the main challenges in the policy formulation process through a
systematic review of Brazilian literature. The systematic literature review was conducted on
four databases: the Capes theses and dissertations catalog, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of
Science and Scielo (web of science). Using established search parameters, 96 documents were
selected, between the period from 2000 to 2022, including review articles, theses, and
dissertations, to be analyzed from three perspectives: bibliometric, methodological, and
substantive. The results highlight that the main challenges in the process of policy formulation
are of a technical and political nature which the most mentioned are the conflicts of interest,
power, and federative; reduced social participation, as well as budgetary, financial, and
human resource constraints, which together represent 55% of all challenges identified.