RIBEIRO, D. M.; http://lattes.cnpq.br/6719347731770424; RIBEIRO, Dayanne de Melo.
The purpose of this paper is to reflect on and critically analyze the curriculum, which is full of
androcentrism and Eurocentrism and raises questions such as: is what we know exactly what
we have been told? What would society be without its history and memories? What would
become of the memory and history of black, white and brown women if they were not written
by themselves, but by their oppressors? In this sense, the problem highlighted is: are there
impacts reflected by the lack of ethnic-racial and female representation in the curriculum on
students? One of its objectives is: to identify how the culture of machismo and structural racism
are also consequences of this type of high school curriculum; as well as to demonstrate how
this theme can contribute to the daily lives and coexistence of students beyond the school
environment; and to propose how some female authors absent from the academic curriculum
can be addressed in the classroom. With theoretical and methodological guidance from
qualitative documentary research, with literature reviews, the research obtained the following
main results: the confirmation of the influence of androcentrism and Eurocentrism in the
formation of the current curriculum. This contributes to the emergence of many of the
challenges present in teaching, such as sensitive topics related to ethnic-racial and gender
relations, as there is resistance and conflict of ideals, lack of prior knowledge of such topics,
superficiality in the approach, lack of inclusion, and failure to value the different existing